Don’t Live to Eat Eat to Live or Eating to Live for many of us can be a big switch. Especially since eating can be emotional for many of us. I read a lot and always enjoy learning something new. The three books I read recently include the book by Dr. Morter on pH Balancing, which I wrote about last month. I read the book “The China Study”, then I read the book “Your Health […]
Daily Archives: September 25, 2015
2 posts
Keep your Skin Healthy Some facts about our skin.. Dry skin brushing offers our skin and body many healthy benefits. It is super easy to do and really makes a difference in the appearance of your skin.Our skin is much more than a wrapper – it is the body’s largest organ! Some people refer to it as our third kidney. It is waterproof and also protects us from the heat and the cold by keeping […]