Methylation, a vital process occurring in every cell of your body, involves the transfer of a methyl group (CH3) from one molecule to another. This seemingly simple process is actually involved in hundreds of biological functions, including healthy gene function, liver detoxification, and brain and mood management. Imbalances in methylation can lead to a range of health issues, making it a topic of significant importance.
Determining whether you are overmethylating can be complex. Below are some symptoms of over-methylation. However, remember that these symptoms can indicate various health conditions, so it’s essential to determine what is causing them.
- Anxiety and High energy levels,
- Tend to pace – Restless legs
- Depression
- Inability to concentrate
- Hyperactivity
- Panic attacks
- Poor motivation
- Easily frustrated
- Sleep disorders, insomnia
- Paranoia
- Sensitivities to foods/chemicals
- High pain threshold
- High energy levels
- Low histamine, so no seasonal allergies
- Low Libido
- Dry Eyes and Mouth
- Not very Motivated
Under Methylating
Determining if you are undermethylated can also be intricate. Below are the symptoms of undermethylation. As above, it is important to remember that these symptoms can be associated with various health issues.
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Obsessive-compulsive behaviors
- Poor memory
- Allergies
- Digestive disorders
- Seasonal Allergies
- Low pain threshold
- Self-motivated wiht a strong will
- Sometimes Perfectionism
For those experiencing under methylation, NSP products like Sam-E and Methylated B12 can be beneficial in promoting balance. On the other hand, for over methylation, products such as Folic Acid or Folate, Vitamin B6, and Zinc can help. To delve deeper into these solutions, read this month’s issue.