Daily Archives: August 21, 2018

2 posts


How are you Methylating | Over or Under Methylation

Methylation, a vital process occurring in every cell of your body, involves the transfer of a methyl group (CH3) from one molecule to another. This seemingly simple process is actually involved in hundreds of biological functions, including healthy gene function, liver detoxification, and brain and mood management. Imbalances in methylation can lead to a range of health issues, making it a topic of significant importance. Overmethylation Determining whether you are overmethylating can be complex. Below […]

collard greens

Collard Greens and Parsnips Recipe

I made this collard greens recipe over the weekend and I LOVE it! I give this southern dish a slight twist by adding some parsnips!  You are going to enjoy it because it’s delicious. The parsnips give it some sweetness! If you want, eat it as a side dish with some brown rice and black eyed peas or lentils of your choice! Ingredients 1 pound, large bag or bunch of collard greens washed and cut […]