Healthy Living

156 posts

Healthy Living

Healthy living encompasses many aspects of well-being, including physical, mental, and emotional health. Some of the key areas of healthy living are discussed throughout our blog.

These include eating healthy, getting regular exercise, sleeping, managing stress, maintaining a healthy weight, drinking enough water to stay hydrated, and keeping up with social activities. Healthy living is all about promoting overall health and well-being and it is a journey that requires balance.

We’ll also explore the importance of stress management techniques, quality sleep, and the power of positive thinking. Our holistic approach ensures that you can embrace a healthy lifestyle that works for you.

Eat Good Food

Eat to Live

Don’t Live to Eat Eat to Live or Eating to Live for many of us can be a big switch. Especially since eating can be emotional for many of us. I read a lot and always enjoy learning something new. The three books I read  recently include the book by Dr. Morter on pH Balancing, which I wrote about last month. I read the book “The China Study”, then I read the book “Your Health […]

dry skin brushing

Dry Skin Brushing

Keep your Skin Healthy Some facts about our skin.. Dry skin brushing offers our skin and body many healthy benefits. It is super easy to do and really makes a difference in the appearance of your skin.Our skin is much more than a wrapper – it is the body’s largest organ! Some people refer to it as our third kidney. It is waterproof and also protects us from the heat and the cold by keeping […]

healthy brain

Healthy Brain

Time to Focus on Brain Health Let’s face it, our brain runs our body and we need to focus on a healthy brain. Everything we do from sleeping to running is handled by our brain. Our brain performs thousands of functions per day that support our structural system, our metabolism, and our development. The human brain is considered larger than other mammals because it actually uses between 20 and 25% of our metabolism, 20% of […]

colon cleanse

Colon Cleanse

Time to Detoxify with Colon Cleansing Herbs During last months newsletter I talked about “Environmental Toxins” and how many toxins we are exposed to through our food, cosmetics, personal care and cleaning products. Making sure our bodies are eliminating our wastes properly and that our colon is eliminating efficiently are also extremely important. The question I am asked most at the wellness center is “Do you think it is necessary to do a colon cleanse detox?” […]

Advanced ERE Electro Reflex Energizer

The Benefits of Foot Massagers

Your feet take a pounding seven days a week. You put your entire weight on them, walking, chasing after your children, going upstairs, moving heavy objects and jumping. While your feet are designed to take the use to which you put them, at the end of a long, hard day, they need some pampering, which can benefit your overall health. Different Foot Massagers The type of foot massage you are looking for will influence the […]