Weight management can be hard. We are continually tempted with all the food and smells around us. For many of us eating can be triggered by our emotions. That being said, dieting is a short-term solution to lose weight gained while practicing unhealthy habits. It is always easier to routinely make healthy choices than to struggle with losing unwanted pounds. Use these three tips to develop a healthy lifestyle, maintain your weight loss or focus on weight management and thrive.
Set Realistic Goals
When was the last time you woke up 20, 50, or 100 pounds heavier than you were went you went to bed? We’re willing to bet it’s never happened. The weight gain didn’t happen overnight, and the weight loss won’t happen overnight, either. Be realistic with your weight loss goals.
Did you notice the plural there? Don’t make one goal to reach your ideal weight. It is especially important to make S.M.A.R.T goals when dieting. S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely goals. While losing 50 pounds is specific, measurable and achievable, it is not realistic to lose more than two pounds per week.
Set yourself up for success by having a major goal, such as losing 50 pounds in a year, and smaller, weekly and monthly goals. Be realistic when creating goals. If you have been sedentary, is it realistic that you’ll begin a daily one-hour cardio routine?
Tell your Friends and Family
When dieters tell friends and family their weight loss goals, they hold themselves accountable to their plans. Psychologically, dieters are less likely to cheat when friends and family are aware of their diet. Friends and family also serve as a support system to encourage your weight loss plans.
Instead of planning on meeting friends for high-calories drinks and appetizers, include them in your new healthy lifestyle. Scheduling social outings that include physical activity. Plan to walk around a city antiquing, or play tennis, go for a bike ride. Remember, every step counts. Transitioning from sedentary to active won’t happen overnight.
Plan to Succeed
The business adage, “if you don’t plan to succeed, you can plan to fail,” is appropriate to use for dieting. Plan to successfully lose weight by eliminating unhealthy foods from your home. Schedule time for exercise. Your workout can begin as a brisk walk around the neighborhood. Every minute you spend physically active will help create exercising as a good habit. If you want to follow a great program and looking for some coaching and accountability, check out the IN.Form Program – Healthy Gut Healthy Weight!