E-Power Machine

Sharing Wellness | Promoting Health

Insomnia, Arthrodynia, Rheumatoid Arthritis

Study Conducted in China on the E-Power Machine

This E-Power clinical trial has been conducted by Convalescent Hospital of the Branch of Anhui Provincial Hospital in China for Insomnia and Arthrodynia requested by Anhui Provincial Medicine Supervision Bureau (File no.: 2004 Wan Yao Guan Xie No.03). Also another trial conducted by Affiliated Hospital to Bengbu School of Medicine, Anhui province for Rheumatoid Arthritis requested by the same bureau (File no.: 2004 Wan Yao Guan Xie No.05).

The age of the range for patients is from 18 to 65 combined with male and female. Here are how they conducted the E-Power Machine trial and results:

Convalescent Hospital - Branch of Anhui Provincial Hospital in China

E-Power Research

Clinical Trial on Insomnia

  • 30 people with Insomnia tried
  • All introduced to a 30 day trial with the administration of the E-Power twice a day according to the E-Power User's manual
  • Duration of each session varied from 30 minutes to 90 minutes
  • Intensity of stimulation varied according to person's tolerance level
  • 2 days break were introduced after each 10 day cycle of assessment
  • Observations of symptom relief is based on 30 day period after the clinical trial completed

Insomnia Results after 30 Day Treatment

10th Day 20th Day 30th Day
Symptom Extinct 3.3% 20% 27%
Basically Extinct 13.3% 40% 43.3%
Symptom Improved   60% 23.3% 16.7%
No Result 23.3% 16.7% 13.3%

Clinical Trial on Arthrodynia

  • 30 people with Arthrodynia tried
  • All introduced to a 30 day trial with the administration of the E-Power twice a day according to the E-Power User's manual
  • Duration of each session varied from 30 minutes to 90 minutes
  • Intensity of stimulation varied according to person's tolerance level
  • 2 days break were introduced after each 10 day cycle of assessment
  • Observations of symptom relief is based on 30 day period after the clinical trial completed

Arthrodynia Results after 30 Day Treatment

10th Day 20th Day 30th Day
Symptom Extinct 3.3% 13.3% 20%
Basically Extinct 23.3% 36.7% 50%
Symptom Improved   53.3% 33.3% 20%
No Result 23.3% 16.7% 10%

Affiliated Hospital to Bengbu School of Medicine, Anhui, China

Clinical Trial on Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • 30 people with Rheumatoid Arthritis tried
  • All introduced to a 30 day trial with the administration of the E-Power twice a day according to the E-Power User's manual
  • Duration of each session varied from 30 minutes to 90 minutes
  • Intensity of stimulation varied according to person's tolerance level
  • 2 days break were introduced after each 10 day cycle of assessment
  • Observations of symptom relief is based on 30 day period after the clinical trial completed

Rheumatoid Arthritis - After 30 Day Treatment

Symptom Extinct 16.7%
Basically Extinct 43.3%
Symptom Improved   33.3%
No Result 6.7%

Reference: HTE Newsletter Vol. 33 June 2011