The most common complaint of expecting mothers might just be the nausea experienced by so many women during the first trimester of pregnancy. Better known as “morning sickness,” that queasy feeling can hit at any time of the day or night, and sometimes reoccurs on and off for months.
The good news is that for the majority of women, the worst symptoms of morning sickness usually taper off sometime between weeks 12 to 14 of pregnancy. If you’re currently experiencing nausea, pregnancy food aversions, and other uncomfortable symptoms, we’ve also got some suggestions that might help.
Tips to help with Morning Sickness
Stay hydrated. Sip water or juice throughout the day to stave off dehydration, which is unhealthy and can make your symptoms worse. Many women find that squeezing a little lemon into their ice water helps fight nausea.
Avoid Certain Smells. Sometimes a strong odor or perfume can trigger nausea.
Get Plenty of Sleep. Being tired actually can increase those nauseous feelings so make sure you get plenty of rest. When you feel tired, lye down and rest a while.
Ginger. Many women find if they eat ginger or add ginger to their food it helps reduce nausea and vomitting. Some have a few ginger snaps or grate some ginger on your food.
Become a grazer. Eating small, lighter meals will help you fight that queasy feeling. Small meals are also easier to digest. In a pinch, the old standbys do work: Nibble on crackers, trail mix, pretzels, and cold cereal to keep your stomach from getting too empty — which can lead to increased nausea symptoms.
Take pregnancy vitamins with small meals. If you’re having trouble eating, try drinking your meals — soups, smoothies, and shakes are all good options to help you get nutrients and stay hydrated. Maintaining good nutrition is important to feel better, sooner.
Do what you can to reduce stress. Morning sickness symptoms can be triggered by anxiety, stress, fatigue, and worry. Be sure to make time to care for yourself every day, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. You might also want to try classic stress reduction techniques, such as deep breathing and yoga.
And if your symptoms are continuous and severe, or if you’re having a lot of trouble keeping food down, make sure to talk to your doctor.